Professional sports photographers use expensive autofocus lenses and the latest cameras which when used together can track and get a sharp focus on the fast moving subject at will.
If one has access to such equipment, great. But what if you, like me, don't?
Well, you use what you have. You can get creative.
The basic equipment you need is a camera body that can handle shutter speeds of upwards of 1/200 in order to eliminate motion blur and a lens that allows you to capture sufficient light and magnifies your subject suitably from a distance (where necessary).
But how do you get the subject sharp since he moves around and it takes time to focus a manual lens?
Well, you have to guess where the subject will likely be and set up a strike zone there. You get your camera trained on that spot, focus on something there and wait for your subject to enter the strike zone.
If you know the sport well, you would be able to set up good strike zones since you can probably predict where the subject will be. So it helps to know the sport or do some research if you don't.
This photo was taken with my Sony Alpha 7ii mirrorless camera with vintage Olympus OM-Series 50mm manual prime lens.
